About tedc
tedc is a platform by FIITJEE Global School for school-going students to showcase their transformation by exploring and developing strong communication skills in front of a large audience.
Communication Credo is one of the foundations of FIITJEE Global Schools for transforming our young minds into engaging, dominant, and charismatic personalities. In the gamut of "the art of Communication", Public Speaking is among the most desired but least attempted skills to earn recognition in social and professional lives.
We have taken it upon ourselves to create a platform for the aspiring student community to learn, prepare, and perform on stage so that they stand for eloquent discourse. Consequently, our initiative, tedc was born with a lot of planning and analysis.
The Programme made its debut on May 21, 2022, at the school’s auditorium, Pratibha Manch, at FGS Vengambakkam, Chennai, where quite a number of aspirants from various schools participated. Their enthusiasm for the opportunity was worth noticing. They also received key guidance from our communication teachers on the essential elements of preparation and delivery of the speech on stage with impact. Finally, the participants took the stage in turn and turned out effective deliveries, bringing forth the learnings they had obtained earlier.
Encouraged by the opening salvo of approval, we staged the next event of tedc at our sprawling School campus in Vellore with renewed commitment. Enthusiastic students of the region marched in on the day of the event, 5th June 2022 in large numbers. The programme progressed according to the standardised format as the participants enjoyed the expert input on public speaking and then proceeded to practise and perform with telling effect to the elation of their parents present in the audience. To judge this event, senior faculty from the communication and English departments at Vellore Institute of Technology honoured us with their grand presence.